PoesiaMasini - Il Sito più Banale

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Home | Introducing PoesiaMasini | Site history | What is missing | Credits | Statistics
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Biography | Discography | Other records | Videos | Books | Photos | Gadgets and merchandising | Marco on the Internet | Buy
Songs details and comments | Translations | Covers | Inspirations
Reflections | What they say about him | Press | Other artists | Jack Folla
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A song for Marco | Distinctive T-shirt | Operation radio/TV | Other initiatives
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Give me a moment more, everything you can, the sweetness of being twenty

Site updates - year 2005


  • restored Translations section; thanks to Simone for the help
  • added Distinctive T-shirt section in Initiatives area (in Italian only by now); thanks to Denis and Ivan for their work and help
  • added Gadgets and merchandising section in Marco Masini area (in Italian only by now); thanks to Katia for most of the official merchandising and to Denis and Ivan for the distinctive T-shirt
  • updated Marco on the Internet section: added Jeremy's mailing list, a WAP site maintained by Carmen from Naples, Marco Masini l'uomo volante maintained by Alessandra B. and the German site Voglio volare
  • updated Inspirations section with the following cases: Vai con lui/A braccia aperte, Il giorno dei perdenti/Fotografie, Profondo porpora/Non ci facciamo compagnia, La danza della ragione/Il mio amico, Io non ti sposerò/Fidati di me, Benvenuta/Wherever you will go, L'uomo volante/various and E ti amo/La nostra storia
  • published the English translations of Alfredo's and Paolo's presentations in section Collaborators; thanks to Alessia for the translation
  • published the English version of Buy section; thanks to Roberta for the translation
  • restored What they say about him section (in Italian only by now); thanks to Domen and Nicholas for the help
  • updated What is missing section

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About us | | PoesiaMasini copyright disclaimer | Contacts | © 2000-2005 Mauro Molinari
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