PoesiaMasini - Il Sito più Banale

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PoesiaMasini - Il Sito più Banale is a site mantained as a hobby and without any profit by the webmaster.

For this reason, if you like this site and you think that it provides you with useful news and services (such as the home page news, the forum, the newsletter, the database containing information and material about Marco Masini's artistic activity, etc.), you can make a free donation if you wish, therefore giving your contribution for its survival and updating.

To make a donation it's possible to use the tools provided by Paypal, which guarantees extreme reliability, security, and protection for both parties, supporting the most common credit cards (like Visa and MasterCard). Moreover it's possible to make payments using directly your Paypal electronic account, if you have one, however you don't need to be a registered Paypal user, nor to have an electronic account in order to make a donation using your credit card.

If you want to make a donation using your credit card or, in general, using Paypal, read ahaed and then, if you want to proceed, click on the following button:

However, if you can't or don't want to make a donation using your credit card or Paypal, you can still contact me directly to arrange another way of sending your contribution (i.e. postal order, bank transfer, etc.).

As already mentioned, your offering is free: in the first page of the form you have to compile to make your donation, you can specify the amount you want to give: any sum is appreciated and important.

Important specifications about your donation

It's necessary to state the following:

  • PoesiaMasini has always been and will always be a site which offers its information services for free to everyone; contributions could be needed just for those non-profit-making intiatives that provide concreet expenses (for instance to send some kind of material) and just for people who are interested in them
  • the offering that you make has to be considered as a voluntary donation
  • the offering is free: you can decide if and how much to donate
  • the names of those who will economically support this site will be published in Credits section, except for those who do not want it
  • making a donation doesn't give you the right of particular privileged conditions when using the services provided by PoesiaMasini: in other words, the offering is voluntary and has to be moved by the spontaneous desire to support this site, while the benefits you get in exchange substantially are mutual gratification, gratitude and estimation; I know it's not pleasant to write it explicitly, but I think by personal experience that it's always better to state it clearly
  • anyone can ask for a refund within 60 days, by simply writing an e-mail to webmaster@poesiamasini.it
  • the collected funds will be used to support the expenses directly related to maintaing this site, among which: domain, hosting and database fees; electricity and Internet bills; wear and tear of the hardware components used to make and update the site; etc....

If you have any other questions about this topic, even if you don't want to make a donation, you can send an e-mail to webmaster@poesiamasini.it.

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About us | | PoesiaMasini copyright disclaimer | Contacts | © 2000-2005 Mauro Molinari
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