PoesiaMasini - Il Sito più Banale

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Fables don't exist, but miracles, yes, may happen

Site updates - year 2004


  • restored and updated Discography section, with the addition of information about the records Masini, L'uomo volante, E ti amo, Ando solo (promo), Protagonista (promo) and Io non ti sposerò (promo)
  • restored and updated Other records section, with the addition of information about the records Ti racconto di me, T'innamorerai (Serie Dischi D'Oro), Emozioni, Solo per te... - Vol. 1, 54° Sanremo - Festival della canzone italiana, Xenon - Galaxi, Xenon - Symphony, Xenon - Opera, In your eyes, Arabian go go, Forever lovers, Immensamente - Remix, Royal Albert Hall, Cosa resterà..., Le mie canzoni and Domani è un altro giorno
  • added Nicholas's presentation in Collaborators section


  • restored Videos section; thanks to Nicholas for the help
  • restored Covers section; thanks to Nicholas for the help in the transcription of the lyrics and to Ileana for the translation
  • restored and updated Buy section (only in Italian by now); thanks to Nicholas for the help
  • restored and updated Marco on the Internet section (only in Italian by now); in particular, the links to Francesco Isola's, Goffredo Orlandi's and Massimo Pacciani's websites have been added, as well as those to some new sites dedicated to Marco and born in the latest months
  • completed the English translation of Biography section
  • added the English translation of Site history section; thanks to Alessia for the help
  • updated Credits section
  • made light modifications to the layout


  • new Flash intro made by Daniele "supermd", to whom many thanks go
  • new colour themes available, among which one is the new official one for site and forum
  • made light modifications to the layout
  • put back on-line and corrected sections What is missing, Reflections and Inspirations (only in Italian by now); thanks to Ileana for the translations and to Nicholas for the help

Thanks to the help of some friends, PoesiaMasini should now be refilled more quickly, my engagements permitting, unfortunately, because I am very busy in this period. I hope as well that you like the new colour themes and particularly the new predefined official one.


PoesiaMasini begins to be refilled... little by little. If someone wants to give help, he simply needs to know a little about HTML and to have some spare time. Contributions for remaking the site opening page (maybe with a brief Flash intro) are particularly welcome.

I take the opportunity to wish a happy Easter to you all!


  • site design completely renewed
  • new single L'uomo volante and new record Masini announced!

Marco comes back to Sanremo festival after four years and PoesiaMasini - Il Sito più Banale gets completely renewed! It will take much more time to put all sections back on-line and to make the situation stable. The default colour theme might also be temporary. Anyway, you can already choose among two different themes, the new one and the old one!

Have a nice Sanremo festival and... stay tuned on PoesiaMasini!

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