PoesiaMasini - Il Sito più Banale

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A song for Marco | Distinctive T-shirt | Operation radio/TV | Other initiatives
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We are just the tracks of those that had passed by here, we must have the courage of those that will pass by here after us


A song for Marco

In 2002 PoesiaMasini - Il Sito più Banale promoted a six-month long initiative that led to the creation of a CD containing a song specifically written to Marco by us and a multimedia track with messages, thanks and other original works. In this section you'll find all the details.

| Top | A song for Marco | Distinctive T-shirt | Operation radio/TV | Other initiatives |

Distinctive T-shirt

| Top | A song for Marco | Distinctive T-shirt | Operation radio/TV | Other initiatives |

Operation radio/TV

Starting from summer 2003, PoesiaMasini promoted this new initiative, first to help people to ask for old successful songs by Marco on the radios, then to put pressure on radios and music televisions to broadcast the new singles published by Marco (once returned, after his retirement).

This section will be periodically "reactivated" if necessary.

| Top | A song for Marco | Distinctive T-shirt | Operation radio/TV | Other initiatives |

Other initiatives

Other initiatives promoted by PoesiaMasini or by Masini Family.

| Top | A song for Marco | Distinctive T-shirt | Operation radio/TV | Other initiatives |

About us | | PoesiaMasini copyright disclaimer | Contacts | © 2000-2005 Mauro Molinari
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